Michael Maxwell

Hello, my name is Michael Ian Maxwell and I was born on the 0x70th Groundhog Day :sunflower:
I am from Ottawa, Canada :maple_leaf: and currently live in Seattle, USA :umbrella:
If you’re curious what I look like; a little something like this 👨‍🦰 and vertically blessed

I enjoy :runner::bike:🏒:soccer::ski:🥍:video_game:, coding projects :computer:, hackathons :sleeping:, and technology ⚙ in general
I have a cat named Harvey, click here to see how handsome he is :heart_eyes_cat:

I work for Microsoft as a Software Engineer :sunglasses:
If you want to work together on something shoot me an email


I like building coding projects in my spare time, most live on my GitHub :octopus: :cat:


Here are some of the jobs or roles I have found myself in over the past many moons :crescent_moon:


Stalk me at the following locations only; you are not invited elsewhere :unamused:
While you’re at it please don’t cancel me, whatever I said x years ago was probably a :sparkles: joke :sparkles: